Monday, August 4, 2008

Stopping birth control pills and acne and cystic acne cures

The first thing that you can do when is take a look at a diet. You'll find that eating greasy foods won't affect your complexion, and for the chocoholics out there, happily enough, neither does chocolate! That doesn't mean, however that you can ignore your diet entirely. You'll find that taking things like caffeine and alcohol out of your diet can go a long way towards treating your condition, and you'll also find that if you can keep sugar down, some of problems might be alleviated.
1. First, skin is a very complex organ. One of the skins duties is eliminating toxins from the body. When other organs become weak and congested the skin becomes overtaxed. For example have you noticed that you acne flares up with constipation or eating too much? Eating processed foods are indigestible to the colon causes it to loose its ability function properly. This forces the rest of the organs including the skin to pick up the slack. Yoga teaches the colon is the foundation of health. Yoga has many asanas for cleansing and strengthening the digestive system. Cleansing and strengthening the digestive effects the entire body system.
You can even make your own acne scar cream out of a generic milk cream base mixed with lemon juice!
tags: homemade acne care for black skin, diminsh acne scars over the counter, acne pills and ineffective birth control

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